Thursday, January 3, 2013


If you have met me you will know that I’m not at all scary. I’m generally possessed of a fairly cheery disposition, I like a chat and a hug and a laugh. I dislike confrontation and being made to feel uncomfortable.

It takes a lot to make me genuinely angry, and when it does happen it is usually a fleeting moment of rage.

I’ve never been in a fight, which is perhaps fairly unusual for a man. I did, once, get sufficiently consumed by the red mist that my brain fired the following message to my left arm: “throw a punch at that guy”. That message was immediately followed by another: “oh fuckshitballs, what are you doing, no, abort! Abort!”

Momentum carried the punch into the cheek of the person who’d riled me, but without the force of anger behind it I suspect the recipient thought I had intended to give them a gentle caress, not a knockout blow.

Actually, I know he didn’t, because he spent the next ten minutes taking the piss out of me for having such a feeble punch. The fourteen year old me happily accepted that he was right.

To adopt a cliché, I’m definitely a lover not a fighter.

Recent events are making me think Cam has managed to inherit my sensitivity and general wussiness.

Cam has a friend (well, Mrs L and I have some friends, and they happen to have a baby). She is about six weeks younger than Cam. She is a fair bit smaller than Cam. She is a mild mannered and contented baby.

Every time Cam spends any time with her, he cries.

Proper crying too, not just a bit of gentle whimpering. Full on, bottom lip curled out, streams of tears, bawling.


Because she shouts at him.

When this little girl gets excited she shouts. To the adult observer, it is cute. It’s a small explosion of noise which she seems unable to suppress. A verbal expression of joy which bursts from her mouth without much warning. It’s actually really lovely.

But Cam doesn’t like it.

Which, considering he’s off to nursery in three weeks time, is giving us a bit of cause for concern. What if our beautiful baby boy isn’t cut out for the dog eat dog world of Happy Hours Nursery? Will I be coming home from work to collect a tiny human exhausted and dehydrated from ten hours of uncontrollable sobbing?

Or, perhaps, like a stint in the army, nursery will be like baby boot camp for the little mite? He’ll go in a meek, easily upset cuddlebug and come out a finely tuned killing machine little bit less tearful.

Either way, we’ll soon find out, because there’s no alternative available to us at the moment. I just hope the other babies at nursery are nice and quiet………


  1. H is a year old now and is still so sensitive she freaks out being looked after by anyone other than me or OH. Tried introducing her to these experiences gradually but she is still the same. OH and I haven't been anywhere without baby for a very long time.

  2. H is a year old now and is still so sensitive she freaks out being looked after by anyone other than me or OH. Tried introducing her to these experiences gradually but she is still the same. OH and I haven't been anywhere without baby for a very long time.

  3. Having observed Matilda playing with her friends I can confirm that little girls are definitely noisy bullies and boys take a lot longer to get the courage up to fight back :) Seeing the same with Henry so far as well.

  4. He'll be fine and his personality won't change at all. Nursery nurses are lovely people, I should know I was one before becoming a teacher.

  5. My older son - okay, and me - are the same. In his case, it's mostly stuff on the TV that renders him inconsolable. Ballistic Tombliboo trousers on In the Night Garden were the worst...

  6. Poor wee Cam, however, I'm sure he'll get used to the noise of nursery soon enough!

  7. aw bless - my DD was like that too - she did get used to nursery but she was always one of the quiet ones with usually only one 'special' friend, not the life and soul! Good luck!
