Wednesday, April 4, 2012

I Spy - Something Beginning with R

The lovely @jbmumofone takes a mean photo.  Every week she posts a linkythingy on her blog and invites us all to join in a big old game of photographical I Spy.

This week the letter of the alphabet she is interested in is R.  Beloved of Bristolians, it seemed this was an appropriate letter for me to make my I Spy debut.  Without further prattling, here is my photo:

What do you see?

Clickify on this here badge and find yourself in a world of other R based pictorial joy:

Mum of One


  1. Reddies?

    Thanks so much for joining in! Brilliant x

    1. Afraid not!

      I wasn't sure how difficult I should make it, then I saw Mammasaurus' one and thought I'd go for trickier than that! :-)

  2. Erm... I'm flummoxed. Looks up to the above comment...oh, is reddies Bristolian?

    1. I dunno where reddies is from, but *catchphrase voice* it's not what we're looking for...

    2. Heh heh heh - always a good plan. go smuttier any week for bonus points :D

  3. Replies
    1. That is cleverer than what it actually is, wish I'd thought of it!

    2. It's ok you can pretend I am right, no one will know ;)

  4. Royal Mint? That's such a good one!

  5. Erm, so, I feel a bit uncool because what you lot have come up with would have been far, far better than what it actually is.

    There is something in the photo which is not a coin.

    It's my wedding ring. Wish I'd left it out and meant royalty or royal mint now!

    Thanks for all the commenting! :-)

  6. Hehe... I was going to say Regina!
