Monday, August 27, 2012


Hello. Been a while hasn't it? *checks when last post was* Almost a week. My goodness. There's no excuse for that really, is there? I haven't even done the usual thing of throwing in a couple of photo based memes to make it look like I'm still posting.

Thing is, that baby of mine, he's started taking up a bit more time recently. He got all vocal a while back. Likes to have a little sing song. I'm thinking I might enter him for next year's X Factor. He's already better than any of the shite that the North East managed to come up with over the weekend. Even the one at the end, with the wanky back story and over egged emo-tastic version of Tulisa's song. For goodness sake, if you're going to do a cover, why not cover something good? Anyway, I figure if I send Cam in it's a win-win situation: they either love him and put him through, or I get to storm on stage and batter Mel B with a microphone stand.

Aside from singing, he's also started doing this thing:

Yes, the days of leaving Cam unattended while we go to another room are over. He is mobile. It's not too desperate just yet; though he's very proficient at rolling from back to front he seems to have forgotten he can roll the other way, so the sequence tends to go:

1. Roll from back to front
2. Look pleased with self
3. Look around a bit
4. Get frustrated/bored with being on front
5. Cry until someone comes and places you back on your back
6. Repeat steps 1-5 ad infinitum

It is, of course, bloody amazing to watch him develop. Doing things each day that he couldn't do the day before. Truly magical. Way better than that hyped up arsehole David Blain. Sitting in a perspex box above the Thames David? Really? That's not magic, it's just shit. Let me know when you've learned to fly and I'll start paying attention.

Erm, yeah. Magical baby development stuff. It makes you proud. Makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. That some of your genetic coding has managed to not only be in another real life human being, but that it is also somehow magically learning to do stuff. It truly is wonderful. Which is why, every night when I dream feed the little guy I find myself looking into his peaceful, sleeping face and holding back tears.

Occasionally though, he throws a bit of a curve ball. All the books tell you about babies learning to coo, laugh, gurgle, roll over, sit up, grip things. So far, none of them have told me about Cam's latest trick: blowing raspberries.

All. The. Time.

Left in his room to drop off to sleep, we hear him perfecting this new ability. Fifteen minutes of raspberries. He doesn't seem to find it funny, but he certainly likes doing it. We, on the other hand, find it very funny. Unless we're directly above him at the time, when little droplets of his spittle are catapulted up into our faces. That's a bit gross.

Tell me, what unexpected developmental delights have your own little ones come up with? I don't want anything that would grace the pages of a book, tell me your children's weird and wonderful quirks. I need to know what to expect.


  1. Fab post.! Our younger son did no cooing, gurgling or babbling. Oh no, he was far too busy perfecting mobility in an upright position. Not only were we cheated out of those sounds that make the heart melt, he decided to walk at 9 months! Double whammy... Walking at one year is an average, just so you know. Oh, and good luck if yours decides to do the same... ;-)

    1. Haha, straight into the advanced motion! Cam already looks like he's trying to will stuff closer to him, so he'll either be crawling soon or practicing telekinesis ;-)

  2. My daughter does an Indian noise 'ahahahahah' with her hand over her mouth. I taught her with my hand, then she started to do it herself with toys and then finally, with her own hand. Love it!

    1. Fab! I tried to get Cam to do this today. Not interested. Will be trying again tomorrow... :-)

  3. Hunter is the same with the raspberries. It always seems to be really loudly when we are out shoppin though! So I have to laugh or comment on it the whole time in case people don't see the baby and assume the noise is coming from me....!

    1. Luckily Cam only really does it in bed at the moment, I'm sure our time will come though.

      Thanks for commenting :-)

  4. Syd was also a raspberry blower. Now he just says no a lot! Please batter mel b with a microphone....

  5. My son, soon to turn 3, has developed a 'charming' habit. When you say something he doesn't like he stamps his feet, shrugs up his shoulders and blows a huge raspberry. I was not expecting that. My daughter has never been one for answering back, so I just assumed it didn't happen yet.

  6. My daughter literally blows raspberries for hours on end and just rolls and rolls and rolls. (in the piles of drool she creates) Recently she has discovered her knees. Mostly her ability to get up on them. So we push her back over. We do NOT want crawling in this house. I like her floor-bound and happy to deal with the drool. She also sings to her toys in her cot for about an hour in the morning :) That bit is cuter (tho a bit freaky if I leave the monitor turned up too loud...) x LMAO. Great post :) xxx

    1. Sounds like your daughter is my son but amplified! He loves a good sing in the morning :-)

  7. Oh bless him, love seeing him roll over! What a star!!! xx

  8. My youngest is almost 4mths now and has already started shifting around.. Bear can roll front to back no worries, he's NOT a fan of tummy time.. And has also perfected a very good shuffle on his back in random directions, can go a good foot along in the time it takes to make a cuppa! Really wouldn't have minded a slow mover you know..
