Tuesday, May 29, 2012


DISCLAIMER: The following post is short, badly written and won't make you laugh. 

I just had a bit of an emotional outburst.

I'm all sorts of soppy, me. You may be coming to that conclusion of your own accord, but let me save you the bother with the following tale:

Our little guy is always happiest when he's being cuddled, rocked, walked around, but this evening he was really unhappy with any attempt at putting him down for a moment.

Which is why I found myself pacing our living room, him held close in front of me with his eyes wide open, me sweating profusely, the stereo playing the Beatles.

We did that for about half an hour, something I'm now quite used to. As time goes on his eyes usually start to roll around in their sockets. We call it his Gizmo impression (you know, from Gremlins?)

Tonight, his Gizmo impression had been going for about ten minutes when "Here Comes the Sun" started playing. He dropped off to sleep while it played. At the same time, tears of happiness started rolling down my face. I have these moments every now and then, where I am just overwhelmed by the strength of feeling I have for that tiny boy. 

It doesn't last long, a matter of seconds, then I'm back to normal (which is to say, all gruff and manly, obviously. Like a cross between a bear and a bad tempered crocodile. Grrrrrrr.)

He let me put him down to bed too, and half an hour on he's still sleeping. I should cry more often.

Made me cry. For I am a wuss.


  1. your not a wuss your the daddy x

  2. Gorgeous boy you must be very proud x

  3. He is very cute so you can be forgiven! :0)

    1. He is quite nice isn't he? Gets it from his mum.

  4. Ahhh I cried yesterday because Layla was excited to be going on her first pre school trip on a coach. Her excited little face just made me cry.

    1. I suspect my tear ducts will get regular workouts from now on to be honest ;-)

  5. Who wouldn't fall in love with that little face huh? You're no wuss x

  6. That's lovely! He's gorgeous (My partner used to listen to Dave Gibb with our newborn - Male Menopausal Blues was a mutual fave)

  7. He is so cute. You are not a wuss at all!

  8. Blame the Beatles and all the cute. That boy is a lotta cute. You're still all man. We were listening to the same song yesterday and hearing your 16 month old sing the 'do do do do' bit is beyond emotional, trust me. Even the husband had dust in his eyes.

    1. That dust, it's EVERYWHERE. *waves fist at Beatles*

  9. Awww that is the cutest pic! And a lovely post :)

    1. I know, doesn't he look nice? Knows how to play up to the camera that boy...

  10. That's not being a wuss, that's being a daddy. Welcome to the world of parenting! I frequently cry at the wonder of having The Boy in our life and I can't remember what life was like before him. Certain it was more shallow and less fun.

  11. It's the pride of having the boy, it's also the extreme tiredness and relief when they are happy and asleep again. I have been thinking about crying recently too - generally makes me feel so much better yet still as a woman I don't like to show it. Weird.

    1. Get your cry on, it's a nice thing to do sometimes :-)

  12. He is gorgeous and I'm glad to hear you are happy being a Daddy to that gorgeous baby.

    1. Thank you, I certainly am happy with him :-)

  13. He is adorable, and add to that a little sleep deprivation and a good soundtrack and I don't think you'd have been human to resist a little tear-shedding. Enjoy it I say, happy tears ROCK!

  14. All kinds of awesome Daddy stuff in this post :)

  15. He's absolutely gorgeous. And you're a "proper" man for shedding a tear. I won't tell if you won't.

    1. He's not bad is he? I'm not going to tell anyone I cried, obviously. Apart from the internet. Oh, wait.

  16. Oh gawd, he's rather lush, innit. I think my womb just twitched. You soppy gent.

    1. He's totally lush. Calm your innards, he's awful quite often ;-)

  17. I get it. I so understand. It's an amazing feeling.

    Beautiful post my friend.

  18. What's cutie! You are nt alone, since having my boys I have becme an emotional wreck! It's the best feeling EVER - enjoy x

    1. Hooray for over active emotions, these tiny people are certainly good at evoking them :-)

  19. Lovely post and a lovely boy. I hardly ever cried before I had kids and now I'm quite often a gibbering wreak for the stupidest reasons. E thanked us for his birthday presents without any prompting this week and made me sniffle. Ridiculous!

  20. I would cry too, just look at that really gorgeous face!!!

  21. Aw that was so lovely! He is gorgeous and these early weeks and months are a mix of emotions and being down right knackered. Great post!

  22. Oh he is so cute! And well done for getting him to sleep, Dad2BabyInsomniac didn't manage it until she was about ten months!
